Smart Postpaid 6GB Internet at 50% OFF
When you buy a gadget at or our stores, you can apply for 6GB Monthly Internet and Get it at 50% OFF for 8 months. (That's huge savings in the next 8 months!)
The regular prepaid Surfmax promo would cost P995 for Surfmax995 valid for 30 days or P1,500 for Surfmax50 if you plan to subscribe every day for a whole month. That's just too much to pay for internet so we're offering a better alternative and the application is hassle-free and easy to do online so you could stay safe at home!
How to Apply?
1. If you have purchased a gadget at or in any of our stores in the last 30 days, you are eligible to apply. The gadget purchased must have a price of P3,000 up or you can also purchase a Smart pocket wifi (SRP: P999).
2. Prepare one (1) valid ID. ID should have your address printed.
3. You're good to go! You can fill up the form by clicking the button below: