Buying Policy
- Register / Login
If you are already registered, just login using your username and password. If not, just provide your name and email address and create a user ID and password.
- Browse and add to cart
Browse when you’re not exactly sure what you’re looking. To browse, click category on the left side of the Save ‘n Earn home page.
Search when you’re looking for something in particular. Just enter a keywords regarding the item and hit enter to search.
Once determined an item to purchase, just click ADD TO CART.
- Check out and payment option
Once finished shopping, click on the CART on the upper right of the page in order to proceed to checkout. Shipping fee will automatically be calculated and added to your bill.
Two (4) payment options are currently available which are as follows:
Direct Bank Transfer: METROBANK (Additional instructions will be sent to your email address.)
Dragonpay: Over-the-Counter payments in over 5,000 Locations includiny Palawan Pawnshop, 7-eleven, Mlhuillier, Cebuana Lhuillier, SM Bills Payment, Robinsons Bills Payment, ECPay
Gcash: Pay via the Gcash App
Paymaya: Pay via the Paymaya App
Customers are given 5 days to settle/pay for their placed orders.