Save 'N Earn Loan A Phone - How to Buy Gadgets in Installment
No Credit Card, No Problem! Buy the Cellphone you want and Pay in Installment.

Everyone needs a cellphone. Ever since these amazing gadgets were invented, we've always wanted to get our hands on the newest piece of technology.
When 2020 came, and the pandemic struck, cellphones are no longer just a gadget to entertain. Cellphones are essential. Under lockdown, we need to safely connect with one another. For our health, we are now working from home or taking online classes.
"I don't have the budget for the cellphone I want."
It would be nice to have the phone that perfectly meets our needs, but here's the problem: we don't always have the budget for it. A few different scenarios happen next:
- we settle for a cheaper phone within our budget,
- we borrow from people with high-interest rates,
- we wait for a long time until we can upgrade our devices.
SnE Suki, you don't have to go through this again.
Enjoy Installment Plans without a Credit Card using TendoPay at Save N Earn!
The fact is, 94% of Filipinos do not have credit cards. But very many people can pay in installment schemes. At SnE, we understand your needs and know your capacity. We've partnered with an installment plan solution that gives you the convenience to buy now and pay later. Purchase your dream cellphone online and enjoy to 2 to 24 months installment. You don't need a credit card or even a bank account!
Online Application for Online Shopping
TendoPay is fully online, it has a simple and easy application process that you can do to buy your dream cellphone. Open your browser and take these 11 simple steps.
Step 1: Visit the TendoPay website and register
Click to create an account and input your email address, phone number, and preferred password.
Make sure to input your correct cellphone number becauseTendoPay will be sending you a verification code on your mobile. You will also need to verify your email.

Step 2: Account Set-up
Complete the account set-up process by filling in your name and address. You must also input an 'additional contact.' Write down the name of your most trusted friends or family members that can be your second contact option.

Step 3: Proof of Address & ID
TendoPay requires that you upload a Proof of Address. The accepted documents must not be older than 3 months:
- Mobile Phone bill
- Electric Bill
- Water Bill
- Phone or Internet Bill
- Cable TV bill
- Credit Card Bill
Selfie with ID: You must also take a clear picture of yourself holding your ID. The photo must be clear and saved as a PNG/JPG/PDF format.
The accepted Primary IDs are:
- Driver's License
- SSS (Social Security System) ID
- Passport
- PRC (Professional Regulation Commission)
- UMID (Unified Multi-Purpose)

Step 4: Income Verification
Input accurate income information. This will help TendoPay determine the allowed loanable amount and installment months. The accepted proof of income is your Pay Slip or Certificate of Employment (COE) that should not be older than 2 months.

Step 5: Answer Additional Questions
Help TendoPay understand your payment capacity by clicking the most accurate answer to their questions.

Step 6: Wait for the Email!
After truthfully completing your account, wait for TendoPay to send you the result of your application. The approval process takes 15-30 minutes on average but can take up to a maximum of one (1) business day.

Step 7: Buy the gadget you want online
Open our Save N Earn website: and choose your desired gadget. Simply follow the process.

Step 8: Payment via DragonPay
On the payment options, choose DragonPay. After clicking "Complete order," you will be redirected to DragonPay to complete your purchase securely.
In the option for "Source" choose Tendopay Installments.

Step 9: Choose a Repayment Schedule
Log into your TendoPay account. Review your purchase and select a repayment timeframe. This will show the dates you have to make payments. Then you may confirm the purchase.

Step 10: Wait for payment to be processed
You're one more step away from having that cellphone. Patience is key!

Step 11: Receive Email Confirmation
Success! TendoPay will send you an email confirming the success of your purchase.
And, depending on your location and the delivery option you made on the Save N Earn website, your dream cellphone is yours!